Coalition for Equal Value Equal Pay

Coalition for Equal Value Equal Pay (CEVEP)

Pay Equity Resources


Pay Equity Resources for Sale

[All prices in New Zealand Dollars]

Campaign posters

Give your daughter less money (English)CEVEP is having a burst of spring energy. We have printed three posters and a postcard with the slogan Prepare your daughter for working life — give her less pocket money than your son with the statistic 'After 30 years of equal pay law, women's average total weekly earnings are 23% lower than men's. (February 2002).'

Give your daughter less money (Maori)We have prepared an A4 poster and postcard with Pakeha siblings, and an A4 poster and A3 poster with Maori siblings and the slogan translated.

Women's organisations and unions have been great at distributing them but we still want more out and around — work noticeboards, community noticeboards etc. If you would like copies of any, please contact or send your requests to CEVEP, PO Box 12361, Wellington. The costs are 20 cents per postcard, 25 cents per A4 poster and 30 cents for the A3 poster. However all donations towards the cost of the printing are very much appreciated.

See the order form in the September 2002 Newsletter.

Just wages : history of the campaign for pay equity 1984-1993

Copies of this 1994 CEVEP publication are available from CEVEP at a cost of $10.00. Published with the support of Whakatu Wahine 1993 Suffrage Centennial Year Trust, this book provides a very detailed and interesting history of pay equity in New Zealand.

Watch this space for further resources for sale.


Fifty Years of Struggle : the Story of Equal Pay

Proceedings of the Trade Unions History Project (TUHP) Annual Seminar held on 25 October 1997 is available for $5.00. To order copies, contact TUHP at PO Box 27-425, Wellington


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Last reviewed February 2004. This website created by First Bite of the Apple.